April 11, 2009

A New Three-Column Blogger Denim Template

Tweaking the Denim Fantastic

denim imageDenim Template
Finally, a template for my blog that I can call my own! After countless nights searching the Internet for creating a three-column template, the long nights are over for tweaking this Denim template. It took me almost three weeks just to decide which is the better template—one week to choose between a
Denim and Stretch Denim, another week to choose between a two-column and three-column template and yet another week to decide where to put the sidebars—at both sides, left side or right side.

HTML, XHTML, and Cascading Style Sheets
I had to review what I learned in HTML. My HTML is a bit rusty but it helped me understand the template’s code. Blogger uses strict-DTD type of XHTML which my old HTML book says that it is used for completely “clean” HTML documents—that means, the code must not contain deprecated elements. Can you see that red horizontal line crossing the post page under the date? It’s not a page border but a horizontal line. Some HTML attributes for creating horizontal rulers were deprecated. Using style sheets didn't do the trick. So I tried adding at least two deprecated elements in the HTML code and it worked on most browsers—Firefox, IE7, Opera, and especially the new versions of Chrome, Safari and Avant browsers.

A new three-column template how-to?
Anyway, I'm thinking of writing a tutorial on how to transform a Blogger’s template into a multi-column template. Hmmm, but who needs another boring template conversion how-to? Indeed, there are far too many how-tos available on the Internet. But it would be much better if the tutorial is educational and informative.

This template is not yet done but at least the final form is now apparent. What it needs are embellishments to make it decent and functional.


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